Project information

  • Category: MERN App
  • Client: Personnal Project
  • Project date: November, 2023
  • Languages used: JavaScript, EJS, HTML
  • Other Tools used: Express, MongoDB, Bootstrap, bcrypt, express-sessions...
  • Main Functionnalities:
    • Login and logout
    • Modify and delete account
    • Browse recipes
    • Add to favourites (if account created)
    • Create recipes (if account created)
    • User can delete the recipes created by themselves but not the other ones

Cookit App

I'm excited to introduce you to this user-friendly CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application designed with the user in mind. My platform empowers users to unleash their culinary creativity, share their favorite recipes, and manage them effortlessly.🍳👩‍🍳👨‍🍳